Our Business
eGateway Global Limited is an e-commerce and retail company founded in 2014 that provides business-to-consumer sales services via web portals, electronic payment services, and shopping search engines. Our offices are located across the globe ranging from the United States all the way to China, with the headquarter located in Hong Kong.
We operate an online retail channel for a wide range of retail products that mainly cater to consumers in English-speaking regions. By the end of 2017, we have over 61 million registered members from 13 countries around the globe.
Our Code of Conduct
“You cannot deliver value unless you anchor the company’s values. Values make an unsinkable ship.” – Indra Nooyi, CEO of PepsiCo
At eGateway, we put our values to practice by adhering to our code of conduct below. Our code is a reflection of what we want to achieve and also a guideline on how we should achieve it. We expect all of our employees and board of directors to know and follow the code.
Read our Code of Conduct
Protect Our Customers
Customer Trust
Trust is the most valuable thing we can gain from our customers and we should continuously work hard to earn and maintain our customer’s trust. Main objective of any communication and interaction with our customer is to build and reassure their trust in our brands. Such communication and interacts should in in line with each business unit’s branding and with a proficient level of professionalism.
Customer Privacy and Security
Throughout our operation, we will obtain large amount of customer information that is private and confidential such as their email, address and payment information. We ask our customers to trust us with their personal information thus it is our responsibility to ensure we respect and protect the privacy and security of that information. We have security procedures to ensure controlled access and use of customer information. Please refer to your Employee Handbook based on your work location and ensure you compile with such security procedures.
Protect Our Work Environment
Equal Opportunity Employment
Employment at eGateway is based on individual qualification and professional competence. We would never allow unlawful discrimination on the basis of pregnancy status, sex, gender identity or expression, age, marital status, mental or physical disability, medical condition, sexual orientation, or any other characteristics protected by law. Beyond this, we believe that everyone is capable of learning and excelling beyond their existing capability if they are willing, thus we are a firm believer in internal training and promotion.
Harassment, Discrimination, and Bullying
Discrimination, harassment and bullying in any form is not allowed. If you feel like you have been a victim of such incidents, please report the incident to Human Resources immediately. Human Resource will promptly and thoroughly investigate any complaints and take appropriate action.
Drugs and Alcohol
Any illegal drug use and possession are not permitted under the term of your employment with eGateway. It is against the law and against our values. If such incidents are found, your contract will be terminated immediately. Consumption of alcohol is allowed in our offices however, please use your best judgement on when you can consume alcohol at work. Please obtain permission from your team lead before you consume alcohol in the office. Inappropriate behavior or action that might put others’ safety at risk is not acceptable.
Safe Workplace
We at eGateway strive to provide a safe and comfortable work environment for all our employees. Under no circumstance should employees be allowed to bring to work a weapon or device that might threaten the safety of other employees. If you suspect anyone in violation of this policy please report to Human Resources immediately.
Animal Policy
We love animals here at eGatway. You are welcome to bring your pet to the office given you obtain prior consent of everyone in the office every time. For more information on animal policy, please refer to your Employee Handbook based on your work location.
Protect Our Interest
Outside Employment, Advisory Roles, and Starting Your Own Business
Employees at eGateway should avoid accepting employment, advisory positions with the company’s competitors or business partners when there could potentially be conflict of interest or leverage of company resources. In addition, all employees are not allowed to start their own business that runs in a similar field with the company. Assistant manager or above are required to notify the HR if involved or considering involvement in outside employment, advisory roles or starting your own business.
Business Opportunities Found Through Work
Business opportunities discovered through your work here belong first to eGateway, except as otherwise agreed to by eGateway.
If you are in the decision-making role regarding a potential or existing business arrangement for the company and if any of the parties involved are your relative, spouse or significant other, please make sure you disclose this to your business unit leader and HR.
Accepting Gifts, Entertainment, and Other Business Courtesies
During your employment at the company, be cautious when you are offered gifts, entertainment or other courtesies by eGateway’s business partners or competitors as it might create potential conflict of interest. Please consult and obtain approval from your business unit leader or HR before you accept any gift or courtesies. If you have already received gifts, entertainment or other courtesies in the capacity of your employment, you should report immediately to your business unit leader.
Protect Our Confidentiality
General rule of thumb: If you cannot find this information on the internet, don’t share it.
Confidential Information
What we do and how we do things here at eGateway is part of our competitive advantage and should never be shared or disclosed to the outside, that includes your friends on social media or your family relatives during holiday gatherings.
Please obtain clear guidelines of what information is considered “Confidential” from your business unit leaders. At times, a particular project or negotiation may require you to disclose Confidential information to an outside party: Disclosure of that information should be on an “only as needed” basis and only under a non-disclosure agreement. Prior approval from your business unit leader is required. Business unit leader should conduct appropriate due diligence to ensure the third party receiving this confidential information is reliable.
In situation where you encounter instances where people might be interested in information about our company that might seems to be confidential, please apply your best judgement and do not disclose any confidential information. For example, if you have friends who are in a similar line of business but in another country asks about our frequent suppliers or if you have a relative who runs a similar business but on a much smaller scale asking about our preferred channel of marketing: Give them information that is only available to the public or can be found on the internet. Think before you say anything, if you are unsure, consult your business unit leader.
As we working in an open concept office, please be mindful of the picture you take in the office and sharing them on social media or other platforms as these photos might contain confidential information of the company.
Protect Our Assets
Intellectual Property
Our company’s intellectual property includes our brands, logos, creatives, social media content, designs, trade secrets and technical “know-how”. Unauthorized use or sharing of above intellectual properties can lead to their serious loss of value. Any use or sharing of company’s brands, logo, creatives, social media content and designs must be approved by the marketing team lead. Any use or sharing of company’s trade secrets or technical “know-hows” must be approved by the associate business unit leader. Please report any suspected misuse of eGateway’s intellectual property to your business unit leader.
Company Equipment
Every employee at eGateway is given tools and technology to ensure tasks are carried out in the most efficient and effective manner. Company assets are not for personal use. Our ability to continue these practices depends on how well we conserve company resources and protect company assets and information.
The Network
Laptops and mobile phones critical in the daily performance of each employee’s task and bare important logins and access that are vital to the wellbeing of the company’s operation. In the event where you cannot locate your laptop or mobile phone or you think your login password to any of your company related access has been compromised– please report the incident to your team lead and business unit leader immediately. Prompt notification is key, zero tolerance for delays in reporting such incidents. Please restrain from using your personal laptops or mobile phones to login to company platforms or servers. If there is a business need to do so, please obtain prior approval from your business unit leader and ensure your person device is secure and update with all the security features.
Physical Security
Please ensure important equipment are stored in a secured manner. Never leave your equipment out in the open overnight. All laptops (excluding the cable/ wires) and company phone should not be left on your table when you leave for the day. You can either leave it in your drawer or bring it home. To those that have an office space, you can leave your laptop on your table given you lock your room door. In the case where company asset is damage due to lack of care of the employee, the company reserves the right to ask the employee to bare the associated replacement or repair cost.
Employee Data
Company may monitor, access, and disclose employee communications and other information on our corporate electronic facilities including our computers, mobile device, network or on our premises where there is a business need to do so, such as protecting employees and users, maintaining the security of resources and property, or investigating suspected employee misconduct.
Retaining Records
All records (example: customer data, transaction data, analytics data, creatives etc.) should be retained for appropriate length of time and stored neatly in a safe and centralized location. Team leads are responsible for setting the minimum record retention periods for key documents under each function. All creatives created during the capacity of the employment are considered an intellectual property of the company and should be stored and backed-up in original format in a safe and centralized location.
Protect Our Financial Integrity
Spending Company’s Money
General rule of thumb: If you wouldn’t want to pay for it with your own money, don’t pay for it with the company’s money.
When you submit an expense, please ensure that the cost is reasonable, directly related to company business, and supported by appropriate documentation. For more information on expense policy, please refer to your Employee Handbook.
Signing a Contract
Only business unit leaders or above have the authorization to enter into a business arrangement on the company’s behalf. Such business arrangements must be properly documented in writing and approved by the management team. Never sign a contract on behalf of the company without the following:
1. | Proper authorization. If you are unsure, please ask HR. |
2. | The contract has been approved by Legal or management team. |
3. | You have studied the contract, understood its terms and decided that entering into the contract is in the company’s interest |
4. | When the contract is for a service provided to the company, please ensure you have obtained at least 2 quotes from independent service suppliers to ensure you are getting the best offer in terms of service quality and value. |
Reporting Financial or Accounting Irregularities
As an employee of eGateway, you should never falsify any record or account, including time reports, expense accounts, and any other company records. If you suspect or observe such activity, please report them to HR immediately.
Law Compliance
eGateway takes its responsibilities to comply with laws and regulations very seriously. All employees are expected to comply with applicable legal requirements and prohibitions. When entering into a business relationship with outside parties, it is expected that our leaders at eGateway performs their fair share of due diligence to ensure that the outside party is also in compliance with laws and regulations. While it’s impossible for anyone to know all aspects of every applicable law, you should try your best to understand the major laws and regulations that apply to your work.